“Oh, who is she? (Oh, who is she?)

A misty memory (a misty memory)

A haunting face (a haunting face)

Is she a lost embrace?”

- I Monster 

Game Story

A vampire themed visual novel that takes place in the 80’s, in which you play as Inez, a vampire who woke up one night to find out her longtime companion, Heather, had left her. Or did she? When Inez starts to wonder what could’ve made Heather take off on her own, she questions some of their acquaintances from the bar, Sangria, about what each of them believe to have caused this. The owner Jo; the drummer, Alec; the bartender, Loretta and the private detective Bernard, they all have their own theories. Now Inez must decide who to believe if she wants to find her beloved Heather again. 



Inez is a 250 year old vampire, native to Peru who has traveled around the world until she finally settled in the bar Sangria, working as a bouncer. Despite her hard exterior and introspective demeanor, once you get to know her Inez reveals herself to be very dependable and cool headed.


Heather is a young vampire from a small town who went to the big city to pursue her dreams of being a famous singer, after she was turned she joined the vampire band The Arteries. Heather was always known amongst the vampires of Sangria for her impulsiveness and unstable temperament.


Jo is a business woman, simple as that. Except she’s not exactly a woman anymore, she’s a ghost. The owner of the bar Sangria, Jo died during the 20’s from reasons she will not disclose and chose to dedicate her afterlife to what matters most: her work. She has a very “no bullshit” bullshit personality and is somehow always in a hurry.


Loretta is a 150 year old vampire who works in the bar, Sangria, as a bartender. She’s got connections everywhere and is known to be sensible, hardworking and outspoken. Even though she’s very charming, that doesn’t stop her from being catty when she wants to. 


Bernard is a private detective who specializes in supernatural matters. And he also happens to be a werewolf, but that’s not the most interesting thing about him, as he insists. He is a posh and studious man, but not without charisma.


Alec is a 400 year old vampire from somewhere in Eastern Europe? He doesn’t remember. His thing is living in the present always and vampires stick together 🤘🏼🎸🔥. Nowadays he is the drummer and leader for the band The Arteries, as well as a respected figure for all vampires around the city.


Blood, Alcohol Reference and Language.


Our group faced some personal issues, but we didn't want to miss out on the game jam. Therefore, we decided to share part of the game concept and a snippet of the interactive dialogue created in Ink. We are committed to continuing the development of this project in the long term and hope to bring a final version to life.



Igor Delfino (programmer) | Sofia Soares (game design) | Mariana Rocha (artist) | Julia Teixeira (artist) | UFOwen (artist) | Matheus Ferreira (musician) | Joana Iozzi (writer)

| Concept created for the Spooktober Visual Novel Jam |

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